
Israel Broussard - filmography

1 March 2019

Happy Death Day 2U
Directed by: Christopher Landon
Cast: Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine
Category: drama / horror / mystery / sci-fi / thriller

Jessica Rothe, the star of the film "Death will come today", returns as the main character of the second part of the horror film, for which Blumhouse is responsible for production ("Split", "Run away!",... more

27 October 2017

Happy Death Day
Directed by: Christopher Landon
Cast: Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine
Category: horror / mystery / thriller

Based on the original idea of ​​a time loop, Blumhouse's new cult film ("Run Away", "Split", "Whiplash").
A college student (known as La La Land, Jessica Rothe) wakes up on the day of his death, slowly... more

21 June 2013

The Bling Ring
Directed by: Sofia Coppola
Cast: Katie Chang, Israel Broussard, Emma Watson
Category: biography / crime / drama

Film oparty na prawdziwej historii, która wstrząsnęła Ameryką.
Wyreżyserowany przez laureatkę Oscara Sofię Coppolę („Między słowami”), opowiada o grupie nastoletnich włamywaczy, obsesyjnie pragnących... more