
Trine Dyrholm - filmography

17 January 2025

Pigen med nalen
Directed by: Magnus von Horn
Cast: Vic Carmen Sonne, Trine Dyrholm, Besir Zeciri
Category: drama

1 nagród na festiwalu w Gdyni, kandydatura do Oscara®, Złota Żaba na festiwalu EnergaCamerimage, dwie Europejskie Nagrody Filmowe – to tylko najważniejsze laury dla najgłośniejszej polskiej koprodukcji... more

7 June 2019

Directed by: May el-Toukhy
Cast: Trine Dyrholm, Gustav Lindh, Magnus Krepper

Does passion justify crossing borders? When does grooming turn into exploitation? "Queen of Hearts" by Danish director May el-Toukhy, winner of the audience award at the Sundance Festival, is a... more

5 October 2018

Unga Astrid
Directed by: Pernille Fischer Christensen
Cast: Alba August, Björn Gustafsson, Trine Dyrholm
Category: biography / drama

A thrilling biography of the icon of youth literature - Astrid Lindgren, showing the youth and beginnings of the writer's career. The title role is boldly played by Alba August, a Danish actress known in... more

13 April 2018

Du forsvinder
Directed by: Peter Schonau Fog
Cast: Trine Dyrholm, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Michael Nyqvist
Category: drama

The sympathetic and calm director of the school begins to change beyond recognition. It transforms into an unpredictable, psychopathic, fear-free psychopath. After one of the excesses, the man falls off... more

19 August 2016

Directed by: Thomas Vinterberg
Cast: Trine Dyrholm, Ulrich Thomsen, Helene Reingaard Neumann
Category: drama / family

Anna (Trine Dyrholm) has a rather bourgeois life. Urges her husband to experiment: a break from the boring, ustatkowanym life and conservatism era. Together they decide to create a hippie commune in a... more

4 September 2009

Directed by: Erik Poppe
Cast: Pal Hagen, Trine Dyrholm, Ellen Petersen, Trond Espen Seim

Jan Thomas wychodzi z więzienia po kilku latach odsiadywania wyroku za morderstwo. Jego wolność niespecjalnie cieszy współwięźniów, którzy na pożegnanie podtapiają go i łamią mu palce. Mężczyzna... more

8 February 2008

Soap, En
Directed by: Pernille Fischer Christensen
Cast: Trine Dyrholm, David Dencik, Frank Thiel, Elsebeth Steentoft

Charlotte (Trine Dyrholm) właśnie zostawiła swojego wieloletniego chłopaka Kristiana (Frank Thiel) i wprowadziła się do pierwszego mieszkania, które znalazła. Piętro niżej mieszka transseksualna Veronica... more