
Miss Sixty

Directed by: Sigrid Hoerner

Cinema program "Miss Sixty" in Ruda Śląska

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Movie poster Pani szuka pana
Original title: Miss Sixty
Runtime: 98 min.
Production: Niemcy , 2014
Category: comedy / romance
Release Date: 5 June 2015
Distribution: Bomba Film

Directed by: Sigrid Hoerner
Cast: Iris Berben, Edgar Selge, Carmen-Maja Antoni

Luise is a woman with character. Claw time not dulled her pretty raw disposition, although the hard way has marked her professional life - for a comprehensive molecular biologist came time to retire. Age Luise is only a pretext for this, to get rid of the lab people generally disliked.
Freshly baked pensioner quickly finds a new mission in life - so far childless, she decides to have a baby. While age is not a problem for her - years ago froze her eggs on the occasion of the research work - so much finding the male genetic material is a challenge. Sperm banks have a very wide range, and the mother as an advisor not really works. When appears on the horizon cheeky gallant, Luise condition before the survival of true love ...

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