Cinema program "St. Vincent" in Ruda Śląska
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"St. Vincent"
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Runtime: 103 min.
Production: USA , 2014
Category: comedy
Release Date: 12 December 2014
Distribution: Forum Film
Directed by: Theodore Melfi
Cast: Melissa McCarthy, Bill Murray, Naomi Watts
Screenplay comedy "Call me Vincent" hit in 2011, the so-called. Black list, which consists of the best scenarios that have not yet been filmed. In the same situation he was then among "Django" Quentin Tarantino. The project gained momentum when he took the lead role perfect comedic actor Bill Murray ("Lost in Translation"), and after him followed Melissa McCarthy ("hot goods") and Naomi Watts ("Impossible").
"Tell me, Vincent" is a funny story of friendship 12-year-old boy and an aging neighbor, Vincent. Between acerbic misanthrope, and the boy will be born an extraordinary friendship that will surprise everyone with Vincent at the helm.

Movie trailer: St. Vincent
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Znakomity !!
Cudowny, ciepły film. Świetna rola Murray'a, ale dzieciak tez daje radę. Wiecej takiego kina proszę.