Cinema program "Kochaj" in Ruda Śląska
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Runtime: 87 min.
Production: Polska , 2016
Category: comedy / romance
Release Date: 3 June 2016
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Marta Plucińska
Cast: Olga Bołądź, Roma Gąsiorowska, Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Such a thing about women not dreamed up guys! Prepare yourself for a bachelorette party, during which everything gets out of control! The cast of the new film producers of the hit "My bike" true galaxy of stars, including Olga Boladz, Margaret Kożuchowska, Roma Gąsiorowska-Żurawska Magdalena Lamparska, Alexander Popławska, Peter and Nicholas Polk Roznerski. A comedy about a truly womanly friendship and the search for love from 3 June in cinemas.
Sawa (Olga Bołądź) soon marries Jurek (Nicholas Roznerski), which her friends say "dream guy with integrated gene ideal husband and father." But Sawa beginning to embrace the growing doubts about whether it is herb is the one, the only ... Especially, that appeared on the horizon handsome actor - Christopher (Michael Czernecki). For the ceremony was a few hours. At the appointed collection point, before the evening maiden, put the best friend of the Sava - keen on adrenaline Anka (Roma Gąsiorowska-Żurawska), a lover of the Orient Veronica (Magda Lamparska) and television star Olivia (Aleksandra Poplawski). Not only has a future bride. Soon the action enters a meticulously organized Marta (Margaret Kożuchowska).
It is a film in which every woman will find something familiar, a piece of themselves. It's just a piece of "women's world". There is no contrived story of the cosmos, but the story about modern girls, which can be found in every city - betrays director, Marta Plucińska. Each of the characters is different, has a different way of life, but they share friendship - and the fact that the dream of true love. As every one of us.
It is great that we were able to gather on the set of many stars. This is one of the best Polish actresses. They have amazing talent, a true "sixth sense", which is incorporated as they become front of the camera. It's obvious that these girls are friends and understand without words. And we wanted precisely in the fact that between the protagonists was a real "chemistry" - says the film's producer, Paul Pluciński.
Photography is Bogumil Godfrejow ( "Men's business", "Retrieval"). Produced by Federico Film - creators-winning-winning comedy of manners "My bike", which attracted to the cinema almost half a million viewers! The costumes for the film, including a stunning wedding dress, designed Magdalena Arlukiewicz - one of the hottest names in Polish fashion. Film weddings prepared a company that every day organizes weddings Polish celebrities, including footballer Luke Podolski, Katarzyna Zielinska or Margaret Kożuchowska.

Movie trailer: Kochaj
Your comments
Stracony czas i pieniądze. ODRADZAM !!!
Powiem krótko. Jedna wielka porażka, dno, i miliony ton mułu. Słabe, drętwe dialogi, Kożuchowska non stop nawijająca przez telefon jakby to miało oznaczać nie wiadomo co. Ta co wychodzi za mąż, to wychodziła za jakiegoś pajaca, i ten ślub w ogrodzie ala Ameryka. Nie wspomnę o tym, że laski piją całą noc, żreją i nic im się nie dzieje :) Ledwo wysiedziałem w kinie do końca.
Nie polecam,Strata czasu ,kasy ,zdrowia,Dzisiaj oglądane ,jedno wielkie dno .!!!
Bez sensu zakończenie.
Film nie był zły ale też
bez rewelacji :)
A najlepsi aktorzy ;)
którzy pięknie grają swoje role
lecz słaby scenariusz.
gwiazdy zabiły pieniądze ja straciłam
Wielka porażka.Strata czasu i pieniędzy.Nie warto !!!