Cinema program "Focus" in Ruda Śląska
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Runtime: 104 min.
Production: USA , 2015
Category: comedy / crime / drama
Release Date: 6 March 2015
Distribution: Warner
Directed by: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa
Cast: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Rodrigo Santoro
Will Smith stars as Nicky, an experienced master of deception, who embarks on an affair with a budding con artist named Jess (Margot Robbie). Nicky communicate their trade secrets ward, but when this is coming to him too much, suddenly decides to break off contact with her. Three years later, as a femme fatale professional, Jess appears in Buenos Aires on racing, where the stakes are high. That is where Nicky tries to perform his latest and very dangerous number, but it is totally off him baffled and consummate swindler begins to have difficulty.
Glenn Ficarra focus and directed by John Requa (Crazy, Stupid, Love), based on his own screenplay. The film's producer Denise Di Novi (Crazy, Stupid, Love), with the participation of executive producers: Charlie Gogolaka and Stan Wlodkowskiego.
The ensemble cast included Oscar nominee Will Smith (The Pursuit of Happyness, Ali), Margot Robbie (The Wolf of Wall Street), Rodrigo Santoro (film series 300) and Gerald McRaney (series House of Cards).

Movie trailer: Focus
Your comments
Film dla każdego, kto lubi Willa Smitha. Jego postać jest zabawna, nietuzinkowa. Sama fabuła zaskakuje i trzyma w napięciu do końca. Piękne kobieety, zabawna historia, fajny film!
Słyszałem wiele krytycznych opinii, ale najwyraźniej były przesadzone. Da się obejrzeć - zakończenie zaskakujące.
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